Happy fadher's day

In Brazil, Father's Day was only celebrated for the first time in 1953, on August 16. Contrary to what occurred in the United States, this date was not thought of as a simple local homage, which spread later without planning. In fact, it was thought by an advertiser named Sylvio Bhering, the director of the newspaper O Globo and the radio of the same name.

Bhering's goal was both social and commercial. The initial attempt was to associate the date with St. Joachim, father of Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, which is celebrated on August 16 in the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church, since the Brazilian population was predominantly Catholic. However, in the following years, the date was also shifted to a Sunday, the second Sunday of August untill today

Resultado de imagem para imagem de homenagem a os ´pais em ingles


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